About Meoros:

How It All Began

Orlando’s Orthodox Jewish community consists of proud, idealistic families who place strong emphasis on instilling Jewish values and love for Torah in their children. With no local option for a religious high school, families sent their teens out of town to schools that could cater to both their religious and academic needs.

All that changed in 2020.

With the advent of Covid and the unpredictability it brought into all aspects of life, families were hesitant to send their daughters out of town. A new schooling option was needed, and fast.

A year-long learning pod was established to meet the needs of local teens, enabling the community to ride out the pandemic. It soon became clear the girls were thriving in the smaller, intimate setting while having the comforts of home nearby.

It was time to establish a formal girls’ high school in town.

Building on those benefits, Meoros has become so much more than a community school. With a

  • rigorous academic curriculum,
  • exceptional staff,
  • and strong Torah environment

Meoros has become an outstanding educational institution with plans to continue building and growing.

A Warm Environment Where Students Can Thrive.

Built from the ground up with the tireless dedication of community members, Meoros provides a warm, intimate environment for students where they can:

  • develop their individual strengths and creativity
  • pursue meaningful relationships with peers and teachers
  • benefit from differentiated learning that challenges them at their academic level

Meoros Milestones:

The Meoros Mission:

  • At Meoros, we are committed to the development of the whole student: academically, spiritually, socially and emotionally.
  • Our teachers foster an environment where students are driven to do their best in Torah and General studies, nurturing every student’s personal growth, character development, and success during her formative high school years.
  • Meoros seeks to graduate students who are passionate, life-long learners, strong leaders, and mevakshei Hashem.

Meoros’s Values:

Chinuch Approach
Torah Life
Academic Program

A Collaborative Chinuch Approach

We view the relationship between the school, the student and the parents as a partnership, and we work together with families to provide the greatest experience possible during these formative high school years.

Love for a Torah Life

Through dedicated Torah study and experiencing Torah values, our students develop life-long passion and excitement for living Torah-true lives.

A Stellar Academic Program

We believe in providing our students with a well-rounded, rigorous secular education where they excel academically, preparing them to become productive members of their community and society at large.

Bringing Out the Potential of Every Student

We understand that every student has endless inner potential and inherent greatness. Given the right environment, every girl has the capacity to shine in her own unique way.

Meoros And Me:

Read what current students feel about Meoros:

About the relationships with teachers:

“I can openly discuss my opinions and I feel that they truly do take into account what I say. They put in effort and they go beyond .” “My relationship with my teachers is comfortable enough that I can speak with them about both class-related and real-life topics .”

About the relationships with teachers:

“I can openly discuss my opinions and I feel that they truly do take into account what I say. They put in effort and they go beyond.” “My relationship with my teachers is comfortable enough that I can speak with them about both class-related and real-life topics.”

About the atmosphere:

“It’s warm and accepting .”
“A really warm atmosphere and super positive! ”
“It’s warm and lively .”

About the atmosphere:

“It’s warm and accepting.”
“A really warm atmosphere and super positive!”
“It’s warm and lively.”

About the education:

“I think we have a well-rounded education. We have many discussions and debates, and the teachers try their best so that each girl understands the material. Questions are always welcomed and we feel comfortable sharing our thoughts .”

About the education:

“I think we have a well-rounded education. We have many discussions and debates, and the teachers try their best so that each girl understands the material. Questions are always welcomed and we feel comfortable sharing our thoughts.”

About Meoros:

How It All Began

Orlando’s Orthodox Jewish community consists of proud, idealistic families who place strong emphasis on instilling Jewish values and love for Torah in their children. With no local option for a religious high school, families sent their teens out of town to schools that could cater to both their religious and academic needs.

All that changed in 2020.

With the advent of Covid and the unpredictability it brought into all aspects of life, families were hesitant to send their daughters out of town. A new schooling option was needed, and fast.

A year-long learning pod was established to meet the needs of local teens, enabling the community to ride out the pandemic. It soon became clear the girls were thriving in the smaller, intimate setting while having the comforts of home nearby.

It was time to establish a formal girls’ high school in town.

Building on those benefits, Meoros has become so much more than a community school. With a

  • rigorous academic curriculum,
  • exceptional staff,
  • and strong Torah environment

Meoros has become an outstanding educational institution with plans to continue building and growing.

A Warm Environment Where Students Can Thrive.

Built from the ground up with the tireless dedication of community members, Meoros provides a warm, intimate environment for students where they can:

  • develop their individual strengths and creativity
  • pursue meaningful relationships with peers and teachers
  • benefit from differentiated learning that challenges them at their academic level

Meoros Milestones:

Sep. 2020

Initiation of year-long learning pod that was widely successful

Dec. 2021

Decision to turn the program into an actual girl’s high school


Jan. 2021

Search for administration in consultation with Rabbi Y. Feigenbaum

Apr. 2021

Mrs. Meira Federgrun accepts Head of School position

Aug. 2021

Meoros opens its doors to its pioneering class of 8 students

Jun. 2022

Meoros completes its first year with increased registration for the upcoming academic school year

Sep. 2023

Meoros is an established, beloved community school with student body growing from year to year

The Meoros Mission:

  • At Meoros, we are committed to the development of the whole student: academically, spiritually, socially and emotionally.
  • Our teachers foster an environment where students are driven to do their best in Torah and General studies, nurturing every student’s personal growth, character development, and success during her formative high school years.
  • Meoros seeks to graduate students who are passionate, life-long learners, strong leaders, and mevakshei Hashem.

Meoros’s Values:

Chinuch Approach
Torah Life
Academic Program

A Collaborative Chinuch Approach

We view the relationship between the school, the student and the parents as a partnership, and we work together with families to provide the greatest experience possible during these formative high school years.

Love for a Torah Life

Through dedicated Torah study and experiencing Torah values, our students develop life-long passion and excitement for living Torah-true lives.

A Stellar Academic Program

We believe in providing our students with a well-rounded, rigorous secular education where they excel academically, preparing them to become productive members of their community and society at large.

Bringing Out the Potential of Every Student

We understand that every student has endless inner potential and inherent greatness. Given the right environment, every girl has the capacity to shine in her own unique way.

Meoros And Me:

Read what current students feel about Meoros:

About the relationships with teachers:

“I can openly discuss my opinions and I feel that they truly do take into account what I say. They put in effort and they go beyond .” “My relationship with my teachers is comfortable enough that I can speak with them about both class-related and real-life topics .”

About the relationships with teachers:

“I can openly discuss my opinions and I feel that they truly do take into account what I say. They put in effort and they go beyond.” “My relationship with my teachers is comfortable enough that I can speak with them about both class-related and real-life topics.”

About the atmosphere:

“It’s warm and accepting .”
“A really warm atmosphere and super positive! ”
“It’s warm and lively .”

About the atmosphere:

“It’s warm and accepting.”
“A really warm atmosphere and super positive!”
“It’s warm and lively.”

About the education:

“I think we have a well-rounded education. We have many discussions and debates, and the teachers try their best so that each girl understands the material. Questions are always welcomed and we feel comfortable sharing our thoughts .”

About the education:

“I think we have a well-rounded education. We have many discussions and debates, and the teachers try their best so that each girl understands the material. Questions are always welcomed and we feel comfortable sharing our thoughts.”